Author Guidelines
Petunjuk Umum
1. Artikel harus didasarkan pada hasil penelitian dalam bidang seperti pendidikan, kesehatan, perikanan, pertanian, teknik, ekonomi, sosial humaniora, MIPA, hukum, politik, serta bahasa dan budaya.
2. Artikel belum pernah dipublikasikan dan tidak sedang dikirim ke jurnal lain.
>3. Panjang artikel antara 3000-6000 kata.
4. Artikel ditulis dengan spasi tunggal, menggunakan font Times New Roman ukuran 10 pt.
5. Nomor dan nama gambar ditulis di bagian bawah gambar, sementara nomor dan nama tabel ditulis di bagian atas tabel.
6. Artikel yang dikirimkan harus bebas dari plagiarisme dengan standar ketepatan < 20%. Penulis harus melampirkan bukti verifikasi menggunakan perangkat lunak anti-plagiarisme (Turnitin).
7. Persentase Isi Artikel: Pendahuluan (termasuk judul dan abstrak) ±20%; metode maksimal 10%; hasil dan pembahasan minimal 60%; simpulan dan daftar rujukan ±10%.
Struktur Artikel
1. Judul
- Judul ditulis dengan huruf tebal (Bold), rata tengah, menggunakan Times New Roman ukuran 16 pt
- Terjemahan judul artikel ditulis dalam kurung di bawah judul, menggunakan format Elephant 12 pt, dan diletakkan di tengah (center).
- Judul artikel harus menarik, singkat, provokatif, akurat, spesifik, dan menggambarkan isi/konten/temuan. Hindari singkatan, nama peraturan, akronim, dan nama lokasi riset.
2. Penulis
- Nama lengkap penulis (tanpa gelar) ditulis di bawah judul, dengan huruf tebal (Bold), Times New Roman ukuran 11 pt.
- Afiliasi ditulis menggunakan Times New Roman 10 pt di bawah nama penulis, kemudian diikuti dengan alamat email setiap penulis.
- Informasi penulis korespondensi ditulis setelah abstrak.
3. Abstrak dan Kata Kunci: Abstrak (150-250 kata) ditulis dalam dua bahasa (Indonesia dan Inggris) dengan Times New Roman 9 pt, spasi tunggal. Terjemahan ditulis dengan huruf miring (Italic).
4. Penulisan Subjudul dan Sub-Subjudul
- Subjudul merupakan judul tingkatan kedua yang ditulis rata kiri, menggunakan Times New Roman 10 pt, huruf tebal (Bold), dan uppercase. Subjudul diberi nomor urut (1, 2, 3, dst.).
- Sub-subjudul ditulis menggunakan format 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, dst., dengan format huruf Times New Roman 10 pt, huruf tebal (Bold), dan miring (Italic).
5. Pendahuluan: Pendahuluan harus mencakup gap analisis, pernyataan novelty/nilai kebaruan, tujuan penelitian/penulisan/hipotesis, dan state of art. Pernyataan gap analisis harus mengandung dua unsur: pentingnya riset dan keunikan riset dibandingkan penelitian sebelumnya.
6. Metode: Metode Penelitian harus dijelaskan dengan jelas, lengkap, dan terstruktur, menyoroti jenis, tahapan, prosedur, serta proses analisis data.
7. Hasil dan Pembahasan: Bagian ini merupakan bagian paling dominan dari keseluruhan artikel (60%). Hasil disajikan dalam bentuk narasi, tabel, atau gambar, dengan penjelasan yang mudah dipahami. Pembahasan harus memenuhi beberapa poin utama seperti kaitan dengan konsep dasar, analisis hasil, dan pembandingan dengan penelitian lain.
8. Tabel dan Gambar: Tabel dan grafik harus dirujuk dalam teks. Tabel diberi nomor urut (misalnya, "Tabel 1. ...") dan keterangan ditulis di atas tabel. Gambar diberi nomor urut (misalnya, "Gambar 1. ...") dan keterangan gambar ditulis di bawah gambar.
9. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Kesimpulan harus relevan dengan tujuan penelitian dan dideskripsikan dalam bentuk paragraf. Saran/rekomendasi harus memuat simpulan penelitian serta saran untuk penelitian selanjutnya.
10. Referensi
- Daftar rujukan harus terdiri dari 80% jurnal dan 20% buku, dengan total minimal 15 sumber, yang dipublikasikan dalam 10 tahun terakhir.
- Format Sitasi: Gunakan APA 7th Style dengan aplikasi seperti Zotero atau Mendeley. Kutipan langsung <40 kata disertakan dalam paragraf dengan tanda petik dua; >40 kata ditulis menjorok dengan spasi 1. Kutipan tidak langsung mencantumkan nama penulis dan tahun.
Contoh Kutipan dalam Teks:
- Satu Penulis: (Rolfes, 2011)
- Dua Penulis: (Whitney & Rolfes, 2011)
- Tiga sampai Lima Penulis: (Watson et al., 2008)
Contoh Penulisan dalam Daftar Pustaka:
Buku: Rolfes, S. (2011). Memahami nutrisi (ed. 12). Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Jurnal: Marshall, M., Carter, B., Rose, K., & Brotherton, A. (2009). Living with type 1 diabetes: Perceptions of children and their parents. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(12), 1703-1710.
Sumber Web: National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Depression. Retrieved from
Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi: Yuwono, S. (2017). Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa (Tesis). Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia.
Seminar/Prosiding: Susanto, A. (2019). Implementasi Metode Pembelajaran Aktif dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan. Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia.
General Guidelines
1. The article should be based on research in fields such as education, health, fisheries, agriculture, engineering, economics, social humanities, natural sciences, law and politics, and language and culture.
2. The article must be unpublished and not under review by another journal.
3. The article should contain between 3,000 and 6,000 words.
4. The article should be written in single space, Times New Roman, 10 pt.
5. The numbering and name of figures should be written below the figure, while the numbering and name of tables should be written above the table.
6. Submitted articles must be free from plagiarism with an accuracy standard of <20%. Authors must attach verification evidence through anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin).
7. Article Content Percentage: The amount of text including the introduction (including title and abstract) should be around ±20%; methods a maximum of 10%; results and discussion at least 60%; conclusion and references ±10%.
Article Structure
1. Title:
- The title should be written in bold, centered, and using Times New Roman, size 16 pt.
- The translation of the article title should be written in parentheses below the title, using Elephant, size 12 pt, and centered.
- The title should be compelling, concise, provocative, accurate, specific, and reflective of the content/findings. Avoid abbreviations, regulation names, acronyms, and research location names.
2. Authors:
- The full name of the author(s) (without titles) should be written below the title, in bold, Times New Roman, size 11 pt.
- Affiliations should be written in Times New Roman, size 10 pt, below the author's name, followed by the email address of each author.
- The corresponding author's information should be provided after the abstract.
3. Abstract and Keywords: The abstract (150-250 words) should be written in two languages (Indonesian and English) using Times New Roman, size 9 pt, single-spaced. The translation should be in italics.
4. Subheadings and Sub-Subheadings:
- Subheadings are second-level titles that should be aligned to the left, written in Times New Roman, size 10 pt, bold, and uppercase. Subheadings should be numbered sequentially (1, 2, 3, etc.).
- Sub-subheadings should follow the format 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc., using Times New Roman, size 10 pt, bold, and italic.
5. Introduction: The introduction should include a gap analysis, statement of novelty, research/writing objectives/hypotheses, and state of the art. The gap analysis must contain two elements: the importance of the research and its uniqueness compared to previous studies.
6. Methods: The research methods should be clearly, comprehensively, and systematically described, highlighting the type, stages, procedures, and data analysis process.
7. Results and Discussion: This section is the most dominant part of the entire article (60%). Results should be presented in the form of narrative, tables, or figures, with explanations that are easy to understand. The discussion should cover key points such as the relationship with basic concepts, result analysis, and comparison with other research.
8. Tables and Figures: Tables and figures should be referenced in the text. Tables should be numbered sequentially (e.g., "Table 1. ..."), with the description written above the table. Figures should be numbered sequentially (e.g., "Figure 1. ..."), with the description written below the figure.
9. Conclusion and Suggestions: The conclusion should be relevant to the research objectives and described in paragraph form. Recommendations should include the research conclusions as well as suggestions for future research.
10. References:
- The reference list should consist of 80% journal articles and 20% books, with a minimum of 15 sources published in the last 10 years.
- Citation Format: Use APA 7th Style with applications like Zotero or Mendeley. Direct quotes <40 words should be included within the paragraph with double quotation marks; >40 words should be indented with single spacing. Indirect citations should include the author's name and year.
Example In-Text Citations:
- Single Author: (Rolfes, 2011)
- Two Authors: (Whitney & Rolfes, 2011)
- Three to Five Authors: (Watson et al., 2008)
Example of References in the Reference List:
Book: Rolfes, S. (2011). Understanding nutrition (12th ed.). Australia: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
Journal Article: Marshall, M., Carter, B., Rose, K., & Brotherton, A. (2009). Living with type 1 diabetes: Perceptions of children and their parents. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 18(12), 1703-1710.
Web Source: National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Depression. Retrieved from
Thesis/Dissertation: Yuwono, S. (2017). The influence of motivation on student academic performance (Master’s thesis). State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia.
Conference Proceeding: Susanto, A. (2019). Implementation of active learning methods to improve academic performance. In Proceedings of the National Education Seminar. State University of Gorontalo, Gorontalo, Indonesia.